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Six Years on & We’re Still Tackling Stunting

The Hidden Cost of Solar Energy

Renewable Energy • Solar

Malaysia is looking to have solar energy make up nearly 60 percent of the power mix by 2050. To do that, millions of solar panels will have to be installed. All of these panels will one day die. How will the country deal with the dirty cost of this clean energy option?

Mar 8, 2024

Panel Pile-Up: Solar Waste's Silent Surge

Mar 8, 2024
Renewable Energy • Solar

Malaysia is looking at implementing solar as one of the major renewable energy options in the decades to come. For that to happen, millions of tonnes of solar panels will be installed. But what happens when these panels reach the end of their lifespan? Part 1 of this three-part series looks at the dirty costs of this clean energy option.

From Sun To Scrap: The Impending Impact of Solar Waste

Mar 11, 2024
Renewable Energy • Solar

Malaysia is set to make solar power the primary source of energy fuelling the nation by 2050. This will result in millions of decommissioned solar panels in the decades to come. Part 2 of this three-part series looks at the potential impacts of improperly disposed solar panels on our health and the environment.

When Solar Panels Retire: Navigating the Waste Wave

Mar 12, 2024
Renewable Energy • Solar

Malaysia is set to make solar power the primary source of energy fuelling the nation by 2050. This final piece of a three-part series, on how Malaysia will be handling the impending solar waste dilemma, looks at potential solutions to an inevitable problem.

Mengubah Landskap Hidup Rakyat

Housing • Local Government

This is a commissioned article produced for Malaysia's Ministry of Housing and Local Government.

Dec 6, 2023

Mengubah Landskap Hidup Rakyat

Dec 6, 2023
Housing • Local Government

Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) telah memfokuskan tujuh bidang baharu pada 2023, namun tetap memastikan perkhidmatan asas Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) dan infrastruktur sedia ada diselenggara dan dibaikpulih.

Living with PCOS

Health • Women

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex metabolic and hormonal disorder that affects one in 10 women of childbearing age. Despite its prevalence, the cause behind this syndrome is still very much unknown, and awareness in Malaysia has been slow to grow.

Jul 13, 2023

PCOS: The Silent Epidemic Affecting Women

Jul 13, 2023
Health • Women

One in 10 women of childbearing age are diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Despite the numbers, people worldwide are still unaware of this common, but complex, metabolic and hormonal disorder.

Three Malaysian Women’s Fight against PCOS

Aug 8, 2023
Health • Women

In this exclusive interview, three women share with Bernama their deeply personal stories battling polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Through their candid accounts, they hope to educate, inspire, and support others navigating the challenges of PCOS, showcasing the power of solidarity and resilience in the face of adversity.

My PCOS I Love You: Help Just a Click  Away!

Sep 18, 2023
Health • Women

Born amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, My PCOS I Love You is on a mission to educate and empower Malaysian women on polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and the broader aspects of women’s health. Discover how this organisation is aiming to make a difference as they champion women to take charge of their health and their plans for the future.

Struggling with Infertility? PCOS May Hold the Clue

Sep 26, 2023
Health • Women

The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that approximately one in six people will encounter infertility during their lifetime. In 2022, it was reported that Malaysia’s Total Fertility Rate (TFR) had dropped to 1.7 births per woman. Could polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) be one of the factors contributing to this decline?

Losing Ground

Environment • Human Rights

The Temiar Orang Asli are fighting to protect the virgin forests in Gua Musang, Kelantan from rampant logging, as the forests are a part of their ancestral land & cultural identity. However, it appears to be a losing battle as their rights are not being recognised.

Sep 24, 2022

Losing Ground

Sep 24, 2022
Environment • Human Rights

As logging works run rampant throughout the forest reserve of Gua Musang in Kelantan, a community of a small Orang Asli village in the Wias region, known as Kampung Kaloi,  struggles to keep their way of life and in preserving their cultural identity.

A Confusion That Led to Division

Sep 24, 2022
Environment • Human Rights

This is the second of a three-part series on the struggles of the Temiar Orang Asli of Gua Musang, whose culture, beliefs and existence are under threat because of rampant logging.

Holding On To A Disappearing Forest

Oct 10, 2022
Environment • Food Security

Diminishing forests have caused wildlife to encroach into human settlements in search for food. Elephants rampage through villages like Kampung Bering, destroying the homes of the Temiar people and farms they rely on for survival. With the pandemic causing movement restrictions, these villagers were at one point on the brink of starvation – until they found a sustainable solution.

Arrested Development: The True Cost of Stunting

Health • Childcare

Stunting is the impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. Children are defined as stunted if their height-for-age is more than two standard deviations below the World Health Organisation (WHO) Child Growth Standards median.

Feb 23, 2022

Stunting: It's Not About Being Short

Feb 23, 2022
Health • Childcare

Individuals who have been diagnosed with stunting are prone to have lower cognitive abilities, increased risk of morbidities and chronic diseases, and lower fertility rate. The 'short' height is only an indicator to a much serious problem.

Do Childcare Centres Contribute To High Stunting Rates?

Jun 16, 2022
Health • Childcare

Poor practices at childcare centres may be one of the major reasons why Putrajaya has such high stunting rates.

Six Years on & We’re Still Tackling Stunting

Dec 31, 2022
Health • Childcare

The 2016 National Health and Morbidity Survey revealed that 20.7 percent of Malaysian children are stunted. The repercussions will affect the nation as a whole. Various efforts to address the issue has been introduced since, but we've not seen a decrease in prevalence. Why?